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About Us

Win Win Parenting Mission and Vision


Win Win Parenting programs educate and resource workplaces – government bodies, corporations and educational institutions - to support employee and family wellbeing.

Family-friendly workplaces provide our year-round, practical work and family support programs to enable working parents to successfully navigate the many stressful demands of work and family life.

When employees thrive at home, they are more productive and inspired at work - nurturing employee, workplace and family wellbeing.


Today more than ever we need people leaders across all organisations to be

“Working Parent Champions”

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Our children, families and communities are struggling:


  • 14% of adolescents experience mental disorders (UNICEF)

  • 13.9% (15-19yrs) and 7.5% (< 5yrs) have developmental disabilities (WHO)

  • 12.5% of people in the world are living with obesity and worldwide adult obesity has more than doubled since 1990. Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents aged 5–19 has risen dramatically from just 8% in 1990 to 20% in 2022 (WHO)

  • Working parents with children 18 years of age and under make up a significant part of the workforce with 75.6% of mothers employed and 90.4% of fathers in Australia. In the US 97.4% percent had at least one employed parent.

  • Statistics on parental burnout from recent studies range from 53% of working parents in Australia, 66% in the UK and 82% in the US, ending their workday feeling mentally and/or physically exhausted.


Given all of these challenges Win Win Parenting has a BIG Mission and Vision


Building a Global Movement

Creating a community of “Working Parent Champions” for a better today and tomorrow…



At Win Win Parenting we understand that today’s children are the future caretakers of our beautiful Earth and all its people.

Our vision is a world where all workplaces are family-friendly, all educational institutions support children to develop key skills for life and all levels of government around the globe provide the necessary resources for children and families to thrive for a thriving world.

To learn more and to become part of the Win Win Parenting Working Parent Champions Vision contact us or join us on our Social Media.

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Meet the Team

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