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Is my child overweight or obese?.

As a parent, you want to live a long and happy life so you can watch your kids grow to become healthy and happy adults and have their own families. All parents want to be good role models for their children BUT many parents have grown up NOT having a healthy relationship with food themselves.

Does any of this this sound familiar to you? 

  • “I can’t have chips, chocolate biscuits, ice-cream in the house, because I’ll eat the lot”, OR

  • “I know that sugar, carbs, deep fried foods are Bad and only fresh organic veges are good BUT I always go for the bad stuff…especially when I’m upset”. OR

  • Are you on the never ending cycle of diet, lose weight look and feel good… increase weight then diet again? Or

  • Do you start all kinds of different diets looking for the magic one and give up after a few days and feel like a failure?

We know DIETS don’t work long-term – what you’re looking for is a sensible, achievable and easy healthy lifestyle for the whole family.

If you’ve tried every diet known to man and you’d like to learn more about a stress-free way to have a healthy lifestyle for you and your family, then listen in to this interview. I really like Deb’s balanced approach “that all foods have a place.”

Dr Rosina interviews Deb Blakely, founder of “kids dig food” on the topic of Healthy eating for parents: being a good role model for your family. Deb is a Dietician and Nutritionist, who works with families so they can lose the guilt, stop the battles and eat happily! If you’d like to know more about her workshops, webinars, or have a consultation in person or online email or see her website at


Parents are the role models and the visionaries for their family and so your family’s health starts with you. First, if you are healthy and happy then you have the positivity and the energy you need to manage busy family life. Second, as you move forward on your health journey, you become a good role model for your children.


Small changes can make a world of difference in your home. By changing your negative beliefs about food and making incremental changes to your daily health habits you’re on the way to a healthier family life.

In this interview we’ll explore how to:

  • Take care of yourself and why it’s so important to your family’s wellbeing.

  • Start your healthier eating journey from a place of kindness and curiosity rather than stress and disappointment.

  • Discover how your food rules from childhood can help or harm your attitude to food today.

  • Uncover your relationship with food.

  • Plan how you would like things to be.

  • Move forward in small steps and over time create the healthy family life you LOVE!


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